Were your kids gifted lots of toys at Christmas? How’s the house looking now? Messy? We hear you. It’s one of the reasons we created Whirli.
We spoke to lots of parents and one theme really stood out. Their children get gifted a LOT of toys at Christmas. Big ones, ones with lots of pieces, some they’re likely never to play with. Or play with just once. They’re gifted out of love and are greatly received, so you don’t want to tell friends and family not to bother. But, come January, it’s clear that some simply weren’t value for money. They take up space in your house, yet they’re not played with.

What’s the issue?
So when we created Whirli, we knew we needed to offer a gifting solution. A way in which friends and family can participate in toy swapping. We started by listing common stories:
- kids like unwrapping! They don’t always appreciate a voucher.
- sometimes kids receive duplicate or inappropriate gifts
- parents can’t always predict what their kids will like or discard
- parents wish they could spread these gifts across the year

Whirli Gifting Features
We then started feature building! The must-haves were to offer:
- physical toys that can be gifted alongside a voucher
- gifts that can be turned into Whirli credit and fund a subscription
- gifts that can be swapped
- a gift list that can be shared with friends and family
So when you think of your Whirli subscription, think how it can benefit your lifestyle across the year. How you can include friends and family, how you can cut down on waste and get the best value for money.
Next year when we ask “How’s January going?” hopefully your response will be “much better thanks!”