I hope everyone is having a great time with the kids for their summer holiday! But, too much fun is exhausting, right? So, I’ve compiled a list of our must-have toys to help you out and to keep the kids and their besties entertained this summer.
1) Tonies Toniebox Starter Set by Tonies

Hands down, this is the most exciting and innovative toy of 2019 ✨! This audio player will change the way the kids listen to stories and dance along to their favourite nursery rhymes. Simply place the little figure (a Tonie) on the box and the content will start to play. We love this because there’s no confusing controls and display screen. It’s perfect for pulling them away from the screen (enough Peppa Pig please! 😂) and encouraging imaginative play instead through interactive stories.
Feeling creative? You can also record your own story using Creative Tonies and upload it on the Toniecloud via browser or app. Or just add your favourite music and throw some shapes with the kids!
2) The Little Prince by Tonies

Make sure to order some tonies too to check out a variety of stories. I recommend taking this little prince with you to read his timeless story. This whimsical story will capture the heart of all ages – teaching kids the importance of friendship and love, and reminding us grown-ups of what is truly important in life. It’s pretty #deep
We also have the book if you fancy reading it!
3) Micro Mini 2 Go Deluxe Scooter (Mint) by Micro

Yes! Shout out to Micro for cracking the perfect ride for a toddler who is raring to scoot but is yet to master their balance and co-ordination. The first step is to build their confidence by letting them use the scooter as a ride-on with the seat, which is also a clever storage drawer for toys or snacks (gamechanger!). Once your little one has mustered the courage to ride standing up, you can remove the detachable seat and proudly watch them push themselves off without any help 👋.
4) The Lion King Young Simba Plush by Disney

Can you believe that the classic animated film was released 25 years ago 😮? This means the kids who saw the film in cinema during its release have grown up – some have kids and might even be reading this right now. So we know both parents and kids will adore this cute and cuddly Simba, it’s perfect for imaginative play and recreating scenes from the film.
I bet this is the toy your child (and you) will get attached to, but no worries, you can keep it for as long as you like. #nostalgia
5) The Lion King Farting Pumba Plush by Disney

Wait, don’t forget to take the hilarious and loveable Pumba with you too! If you squeeze his tummy, he lets out a noisy fart – guaranteed to have the family laughing for hours.
Not gonna lie, we had way too much fun with this in the office. We figured out that the trick to hearing a funny fart noise is to gently squeeze his tummy, if you squeeze too fast, he ends up sounding like a duck.
6) Ada Twist, Scientist by Andrea Beaty

There aren’t many books for future little scientists so when we found out about this award-winning book, we had to share it with you. This beautifully illustrated book also smashes stereotypes, promoting that women can do science 💪. But, this is not just a book for girls, everyone will be inspired by the curious Ada. She loves the question “Why?” and test scientific experiments which may not always go according to plan. Nonetheless, this little trooper is determined to try again! #HowToDealWithLife
7) Ghostbusters Slimer with Hot Dog Stand by Playmobil

Our Playmobil toys have been very popular especially the Ghostbuster set, so we added more to let the kids upgrade their adventures. They’ll have fun teaming up with the Ghostbusters to catch the mischevious slimer who’s been terrorising the poor hot dog vendor and engulfing all the food.
8) 18 Palos by Grapat

If there are cuter hand-carved wooden dolls than this then I want to see it. Look at their big and colourful hats 😍! What I love about the Palos is that they’re a great set for open-ended play and you can team them up with any other toys. The kids will be entertained for hours, coming up with characters for the little dolls, from a magical wizard to a lovely grandma who feeds you too much food – that’s the beauty of imaginative play.
9) Doctor Set by Plan Toys

This list wouldn’t be complete without Plan Toys. Grab this doctor set for an exciting pretend play with the kids and let them look after you. It’ll allow them to explore their imagination, teach them empathy and it can even prepare them for visits to the doctor so you don’t have to bribe them…
10) Dobble Card Game by Asmodee

I had to put this on the list because it’s our favourite at the Whirli HQ (I’ve yet to beat Rafique, our Whirli Dobble champion). It’s based on speed and visual perception whereby players compete with each other by being the fastest to match a symbol between two cards. Once you’ve spotted the symbols, say it out loud and place your card on the deck. Whoever is left with no cards in the end, wins. It’s a great game for the whole family because there’s no advantage to being a grown-up, you just need to be the fastest.
So there you have it, 10 awesome toys for the last leg of summer. Enjoy!